
Nana was an insomniac

she said that they prescribed

her booze just a little nip

to help with her sleep

she didn’t call it booze

mind you, she called it

her wee drink

over time her wee drink

was not so wee

and seemed to be less

about chasing sleep

and more about fueling

her true passion:

talking shit about just

everyone she had ever met

so now whenever i see

a cheap bottle of 5 Star rye

i picture Nana in Tartarus

wee drink in bony hand

telling Tony Hancock that 

Edgar Allen Poe has a forehead

like a cinema screen or

comparing the Bell Witch

to the Monster of Glamis Castle


My Best Poems

are never written down

but dictated to me 

on the edge of sleep

by Hermes 

brief snatches in a 

hypnopompic state

brilliant interludes

woven together with

abstract deliberation

each word perfect like

light filtered through

drops of dew on a spiderweb

i should get up

i should write 

them down but 

instead i wander away

into the land of Nod 

the poems disassembled 

their components tinder 

for fictional flames

i guarantee you

they are better

than this one

A Real Bartender

serving drinks was once my job

but i am no bartender

a bartender serves drinks, but also

listens, understands, councils, maybe cares

the good ones do

not me

i chased dollars, watched clocks

and slipped out the backdoor unseen

each night i tried to forget their

faces and stories

willing them to drain away

watercolors in the rain

even now present tense

when haunted names 

or ghostly bloated faces

bubble up to the surface

it is very much an 

unwelcome intrusion

rejected with great prejudice

except Tap

Tap i remember fairly regularly

Tap i refuse to banish

i’m tied to him still

one of the few i liked

Indian by way of England

and could pronounce 

the hell out of the word “water”


i can’t do it justice

he said it every time

as part of his regular order

double vodka and water

he had been a DJ and a drummer

and would tap tap tap the bartop

in time with whatever was playing

barehanded loud slaps

tap tap tap

sometimes so loud 

it pestered other patrons

but i hated them anyway

so fuck them all

and their sambuca

play on Tap play on

but the beats didn’t pay

so Tap was a banker

tap tap tapping a calculator instead

then beating the bartop at night

over double vodka and water

before each order he would say

just one more. i have to work tomorrow.

be he might have one more

with the same warning

then one more

then one more

tap tap tap

his accent would turn more 

liquid and we would bullshit

about UFOs, the mechanics of film noir, 

or the collapsing of probability waves

just one more. 

i have to work tomorrow. 

except he stopped going to work eventually

we hit the skids one night

when he arrived 

already deep in his cups

and i took an ego stand

about something which meant 

almost nothing to me but

everything to him

no warning that night

he had finally been fired

i didn’t ask why

didn’t seem my place

maybe a real bartender would’ve

instead i served his drink

just double vodka

no water

and shot the shit

every topic became heated

and he told me many times

that i needed to drink less

which got my hackles up

it was so patently absurd

i reminded Tap he didn’t even 

know how much i drank

he said again: no, you need to drink less

a real bartender might not have argued

but i did

somehow our chatter flowed

into the topic of a particularly

vile British racial slur

and the origin of the word

he maintained it was an acronym

for Worker On Government service

i said that was a backronym and

it was named after a racist doll

he said i was racist

for arguing the point with him

he had suffered the beatings

i didn’t argue that

only the etymology

as we were wont to do

on most nights

he finished his vodka 

and went home angrily,

maintaining my racism

it wasn’t far

just across the street

i pictured him in his tiny condo

he had invited me over once

to smoke a joint after

3 in the morning

pre legalization

told me about his divorce

and his daughter

and blasted dubstep and

slapped his coffee table

tap tap tap until

security bang bang banged even 

then he continued to tap but i went home

i never saw him again

after the night we argued

a real bartender might have

reached out to him 

but i didn’t

a few weeks later i heard he

had solved all his problems with a rope

maybe a real bartender wouldn’t have

been affected water off a duck’s back

but i was