a fat orange cat
the pipe it smokes is purple;
neither one exists
a fox flowed into a
suburban backyard
liquid quicksilver sunset
she toured the trim grass
green screams lingering
nibbled the geraniums
and marigolds
napped in the shade
of a freshly painted gazebo
and before slipping out
through a narrow
gap in the fence
the fox raised her
nose to the wind
breathed in deeply
then took a shit
on a statue
of Buddha
saying i love you is not enough
because love is easy
loving you is easy
living is hard
living is hard in the moment
and even harder across time
perspective is heavy
they never tell you that in school
looking into a mirror
morning after morning after morning
staring into your own reflection until
you can’t recognize your own features
and staring at the deja vu of wrinkled unraveling sheets
and realizing you need toilet paper
and splitting the plies in the meantime
or else
4 years behind in taxes
a tax for living
and wondering if you can afford
your cat’s cancer
they never tell you that in school
and waking up morning after morning
after morning
and staring at your wrinkled face
sisyphus? don’t make me laugh
he struggled with the same rock
day in day out
my boulder picks up dirt day by day
and grows more unwieldy by the hour
and how could i know the incline would
be slick with newborn clay
the sick uncolor of lifelessness
they never tell you that in school
loving you is easy
everything else is hard
assembly line squaredances
indoctrinating the unborn
that initial hook and eventual
denial of orgiastic withholding
while jamming a stick between the bars
barnyard odors carnival flavor
a clockwork sun to dazzle the delivery
polished with cunning purpose
the cookie cutter collection
of fast food factory farms
stacked packed individually numbered
squeezed through the Taco Bell meat hose
collected and sorted for utility
caressing the button until blunted
drunkenly gurglingly giggling
at your foggy reflection
recorded ridiculed and rehabilitated
then shrink wrapped for your protection
laid out and displayed for the
craftmatic adjustable grave