Tucked in Tight

frigid frozen grass

grey and silent as 

the frost morning

crown crusts crouching 

and cloaked the 

bone collection 

beneath unassembled 

and disarrayed by

deliberate hand cold

and hard and mean

toolbox and machinist 

grease permeated by 

lye and lies and lice

pinnup porn folded 

and refolded until 

fragile faded and (forlorn)

a bone bowl emptied 

and refilled fancies 

now frozen in frame

red green blue light 

remembered on 

denim now desecrated 

disintegrating and 

teetering decay

spinning mirrored smile 

split tooth ditch dream

soaked into gravel and

dried out caked and 

crusted an absence of roses 

offset by unwarranted 


sickening sweetness 

sickeningly sweet

dried out

to dust

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