Dag Gadol

fluttering and shallow exhalations

of thinly hammered bronze drown

in the salt slush brine fading silver 

until resaturated still pale yet 

oxygenating aquamarine diamond 

spray crystalized in spectrum and 

cries on the wind soft sighs in the 

sunset all of this pounded and 

pulverized then repurposed broken 

mosaic mirror snapped and rippled 

rolling and rolled up swallowed whole 

gloaming rolled deeper and unbreathable 

phrases recycled rejected but presented 

neatly to multiple rows of replacement 

critics converter belted and freeze 

dried hastily prepared a shaded corridor 

cast vermillion in the lapping peals of the 

alarm bell hidden and frozen creased 

and crinkled in the salt breeze waving 

crimped a coke sign faded to almost 

offwhite cracked and discarded with 

cries bobbing squeals rising salt and 

sand down my collar abrasion tumbled 

and forgotten again tumbled and 

chuckled up with the lockjaw news 

liminal corners shadowed and shaded

and taped violet light flailing flapping 

in the salt waves erecting tents in the

belly of the beast neighborhooded yet 

nailing down stakes and painting fences 

submerged in ink the dark distilled into

printable form with gloved appendages

antiseptic molestation with consent and 

slashing sabres at waves muffled with 

laughter certain quarters indiginous crabs 

nestled in eel grass beds waterbottomed

and well bred waving viciously in the 

viscous waves crackbacked carapace 

capacities for territorial greatness mocked 

slandered and libelled the rolling courts 

overruled by sodiumwet winds sharpened 

and sliced and squeezed the delicate 

flavor and slight sweet taste cracking and 

mashing broken furniture bandaged 

gauzed taped netted and perfumed until 

displayed tree trimmed sea weeded 

replanted with dank dark earth newsstand 

waves which have rolled out with the tide

crescendo genuflects and judges appetites 

tiptoed yet trampled beneath the extended 

rows of shoulders braced for impact yet 

jostled by laughter and easily offended 

plunged beneath weighted down and 

finally expanded in all directions confetti riptide 

until belly up the victim acquiesces fatigue 

victorious as always rolled out squeezed for 

moisture dribbled pressed and bled out in bed

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